Julia Seymour Conkling, wife of Senator Roscoe Conkling, served as the very first Chapter Regent of the Oneida Chapter, NSDAR, which was formed on June 19, 1893. The first meeting took place in Julia’s home at 3 Rutger Park in Utica, New York.
Along with Julia, there were 13 other women who signed the charter to form this new chapter: Cornelia Crittenden, Harriette Annie Camp Dimon, Caroline Gridley, Julia Pierson Kirkland, Abigail Louise Johnson Lynch, Blandina Dudley Miller, Helen Lincklaen Miller, Margaret Davidson Miller, Mary Forman Seymour Miller, Sarah Elizabeth Potter, Amelia Hotchkiss Sheffield, Josephine Mary Walcott, and Abigail Obear Doolittle Williams.
The Oneida Chapter, NSDAR, was the fourth chapter to be formed in New York State and the 49th chapter to be formed in the United States. The name “Oneida” was chosen to honor the Oneida Indians who supported our patriots at the Battle of Oriskany.
Today, we are an active chapter with a membership of almost 100. Our activities include historic preservation, veterans activities and educational endeavors.
God, Home, and Country

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From the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian Inst. https://npg.si.edu/object/NPG-9500210C_1

Image from Find A Grave https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/60516320/julia-catherine-conkling

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Julia Seymour Conkling
May 4, 1827 - October 18, 1893
Founder of Oneida Chapter NSDAR

This organization was founded by Harriett M. Lothrop and established by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1895. The Oneida Chapter, NSDAR, and the Oriskany Battle Chapter, NSSAR, co-sponsor the Fort Schuyler Society, N.S.C.A.R.. This is one of 18 local chapters in New York State.
The Mission of the Society is "To train good citizens, develop leaders and promote love of the United States of America and its heritage among young people."
For more information on membership or to contact the Fort Schuyler Chapter see the Membership or Contact Us page.

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is a lineage-based membership service organization for women who are directly descended from a person involved in the United States' efforts towards independence.
We honor each of our patriot ancestors, who, with unfailing loyalty to the cause of American independence, served as a soldier, sailor, or civil officer in one of the several colonies or states, or in the united colonies or states as a recognized patriot, or rendered material aid thereto. The proven patriot ancestors of our members are a diverse group from several different states.